Upside Down

Apr 11, 2021    Doug Bedgood

Upside Down
by Doug Bedgood, Pastor of Christian Living

Though he was young and fresh out of seminary, Lawton looked the part as the new leader of the burgeoning youth group. Lawton did a lot for me in those formative years as a teenager. It was what he did not do for me, however, that made the greatest impact. As any good Youth Pastor would do, he engaged us in a busy Youth program with all the bells and whistles. Lawton took us on annual Mission/Choir Trips to places around the country. We even went to an old castle in England for an international Youth conference. We loved Lawton and his charisma and passion, but I sensed I was missing something.

Then my world turned upside down; literally I found myself upside down in my car that had just flipped. With the engine still racing and gas fumes building; I crawled out, with adrenaline pumping, unaware of the amount of skin and muscle I had lost on my arm. I killed the engine and then looked up and said, “God wanted me to preach, and I said, ‘No.’” In that moment, the wall of denial of God’s call on my life crumbled. My pride and self-determination took a big blow, and complete surrender to His will and ways took over.

Lawton was helpful in steering me in my call to the ministry. However, what was missing? Why were we, as a church, so busy, but not practicing what Jesus commanded? Seeking God’s way set me on a journey to move beyond programs to authentic relationships with God and those people He has placed in my path.

Take a personal inventory of how much you have fallen into the trap of emphasizing church activity over a vital relationship with your Creator and disciple making relationships with others.

Ask God to reveal to you greater ways to love Him and greater ways to love your neighbor.