Team Celebration

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
1 Corinthians 12:27 

Serve Here

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom at Celebration.
In the Bible the Church is described as one body with many parts (1 Corinthians 12). Each of us in the Celebration family is a part of that body and we all have a part in making that body work. We are called to use our gifts and talents to serve each other and the Church. Below you will find some of the ways that you can be a part of the Body of Christ at Celebration by serving!

Team Celebration is the way to get connected to serving! Visit the "Serve Here" tent on the runway to start the simple three step process to connecting.


Go to the Team Celebration Tent on the sidewalk in front of the Worship Center on Sunday morning. The application can be completed and turned back in at the tent or taken home and brought back the following Sunday.

When completed, the form is automatically and securely submitted to Human Resource Administrator (HRA) who will run the background check (see section on the next page) that week and will contact you if there is any problem or question with it.


Choose which ministry area you are interested in volunteering. Listings of areas of service are available on the Celebration Mobile App, under Team Celebration.


In a few days, you will be contacted by a Ministry Leader. They will instruct you to view and complete a General Training Video and, as appropriate, a specific Ministry Training Video (i.e. - Children’s, First Impression, Students, Groups, Worship). Once you have completed the training, they will arrange to meet you and guide you in engaging as a volunteer!

Background Checks

All volunteers will be checked against the national database for criminal history, including felonies, misdemeanors, sexual offenses, and where permitted, felony traffic offenses. Also included is a search of Federal watch lists for the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and Most Wanted lists for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the US Secret Service, America's Most Wanted, and the US Marshal's office. Additional screening may occur if deemed necessary. Celebration Baptist Church has the right to decline the services of any volunteer, at any time, if it is determined that this is in the best interest of church.

Training Videos

General Team Celebration Training

CEE General Training

Children's Ministry Training

Preschool Ministry Training

Connector Training

Service Opportunities

Children's Ministry

  • Sunday Mornings 9:30 & 11:00 Birth-Kindergarten
  • Sunday Mornings 9:30 1st - 5th Grades
  • Kidstuff JR (Wednesday nights @ 6:30 Birth-Kindergarten)
  • Kidstuff (Wednesday nights @ 6:30 p.m. 1st - 5th Grades)
  • Special Events - Upward Basketball, Adventure Week, Back-to-School Bash, etc.

Adult Groups Ministry

  • Women’s ministry team: assist in women's ministry events organization and planning
  • Men’s ministry team: assist in men’s ministry events organization and planning
  • Community leadership Team: set up, serve, and break down, etc.
  • Group leaders: leading a Wednesday night or weekday small group
  • T-Group leaders: have gone through T-1 and are ready to lead a group

Worship Ministry

  • Camera Operators
  • Video Switcher
  • Live Stream Audio
  • Live Stream Moderator
  • Photographer
  • Lighting Operator
  • Screens Operators
  • Audio Assistant 
  • Service Manager
  • Stage Manager
  • Environment Director (Midweek Role)
  • Drums, Bass, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Keys, strings, Singers


  • Mission trips
  • ESL
  • Refugee
  • Handyman Ministry
  • Disaster Relief
  • Calvary & Madison Church replants
  • Jail/Prison Ministry

Student Ministry

Sunday Morning

  • Boys, Girls, and Co-Ed Group leaders

Special Events

  • Special Events Lead - Help organize and coordinate special events throughout the year
    • Special Events Support - Help wherever needed during special event

    Wednesday Evening

    • Girls HangTime Leader for middle schoolers – discipleship fun & fellowship
    • Wednesday Night Small Group Leader for a BOYS small group discussion 
    • Wednesday Night Small Group Leader for a GIRLS small group discussion
    • Open Gym Facilitator – supervise & facilitate organized activities during open gym time
    • Support Open Gym Facilitator – help ensure a safe and fun gym environment
    • Student Ministry Prayer Team Member - Pray for assigned students regularly
    • Wednesday Night Site Operations Team– doors, food, bibles, transitions

    Serve Near

    Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom at in Leon County and the Big Bend.
    Join us in serving our community with one of our ministry partners below. 
    One More Child
    Christ-centered services to children & families in need.
    A Women’s Pregnancy Center
    Free confidential services to those facing possible unplanned pregnancy.

    Prison Ministry
    Reaching out to incarcerated men and women with the Good News of Jesus.
    Contact: Gene Presley

    Florida Baptist Disaster Relief
    Responds immediately to those who are hurting because of a disaster.
    Contact: Ed Rodriguez 

    Leon County Schools
    Helping our Leon County Schools with various needs.
    Contact: Yosmarry Carrero

    Handyman Ministry
    Meeting the needs of widows and single women in our church family.
    Contact: Todd Anderson

    Celebration Food Pantry
    Providing a couple days of non-perishable food for anyone in need.
    Contact: Yosmary Carrero

    ESL Classes
    Hosts, teachers, and more to help others learn English.
    Contact: Cindy Laney

    Serve Far

    Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom across the nation and around the world.

    Celebration has short-term mission teams traveling across the United States and around the world throughout the year.